
by | Nov 23, 2020

ThanksLiving – Thanksgiving Day 2017

I’m writing a bit this morning to encourage anyone out there who might be like me this year. Maybe it wasn’t your best year. Maybe there are places missing at your table due to death, divorce, or nursing home care. Maybe you endured emotional trauma or an injury or a newly diagnosed illness. Maybe you are unable to even put a smile on your face. Maybe you woke up this morning crying. Maybe it’s difficult for you to see all the families gathering around tables with tons of food and laughter. This year is different for me, too. Our table will be empty. With my dad’s passing just four months ago and my mom being cared for elsewhere, this is the first year we’ve been alone without them. I’m not cooking because life has been too overwhelming. We’re going out for our Thanksgiving meal. We’re going to sit with my Mom (who doesn’t even know it’s Thanksgiving because her memories are being stolen from her), and then we’re going out to eat. First. Time. Ever. Maybe your Thanksgiving day is like mine this year.
ThanksLiving. Years ago as a teenager, I would hear this word preached at the church I attended. It meant having the attitude of living a thankful life, instead of deciding to be thankful just one day or one season out of the year. Don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing wrong with setting aside a day to be thankful, but it isn’t the only way to be right either, and let’s not confuse thankfulness with having lots of food and family gatherings. ThanksLiving is simply a way to learn to be thankful in all circumstances, as God’s Word gently instructs…not for all circumstances, but in all circumstances.

Let’s also not confuse being sad with not being thankful. We can be both at the same time. I have learned that whether I am smiling or tearful, I can still be thankful, and I am. I’m thankful most of all for the hope that God instills in my heart. We’ve had both difficult and beautiful Thanksgiving days in years gone by, and I know that in the years ahead there will be more years of both. Our table will have years where it is full again and where it is empty again, but God is faithful. He understands our tears and our laughter both, and we’ll make it, just like you will, and just like the many who have gone before us.
So from my heart to yours, know that there is love and understanding for you, and glean a glimmer of hope if you’re having a Thanksgiving like me this year.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1

